Saturday, March 11, 2006

All I can say is wow.

I found this on Quite amusing.


March 2, 2006

Ooops... Sometimes it's not God that's speaking

St. James UCC of Limerick PA recently had a bible quote on it's web site in a banner above the "God is Still Speaking" logo which said... "If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine" (Luke 4:7).


Unfortunately, the quote is attributed to Satan in his temptation of Christ. The quote has been removed and there's a note about it on the site:

For those of you who were kind enough to inform us about our previously inaccurate quote...we thank you! We were recently made aware that the former quote we had posted in the header on our site was actually not based on the word of Jesus but was a quote posed to him during his temptation. As soon as we were made aware of this we removed the quote from our site.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Store conversations

Sometimes I overhear customer conversations.

OK, I don't do it on purpose, it just happens.

So, a 24 year-old was looking at some music, and his phone rings.

"Hey, did you know that Blindside has a new album?
Yeah, it's called The Great Depression. You do?
Wow, you're way ahead of me. Hey, can you hook me up?
OK, I'll be over in 10 minutes."

End of conversation.

This guy puts the CD down that he was about to buy, and leaves the store to go to his friend's house to claim his brand spankin' new illegal copy.

This is not a good situation... for us or for the artist. We lose. They lose.

And the person making the illegal copy, and in doing so breaking the law, sins. And they lose.

What else can I say?
