Monday, February 07, 2005

One of Those Days

You ever have "One of Those Days"?

It all started when I when to the bank drive-thru this morning. The teller working on my deposits was obviously still in training. I don't have a problem with that, I've got some time.

The guy behind me has NO time.

He starts to beep his horn. At first, I thought it was an accident.

It wasn't.

After the 3rd horn beeping session, one of the tellers opens the door and screams at him, then slams the door. I personally wouldn't recommend this action for good customer service, but it made me feel a little better, in a weird sort of way. At least beepie wasn't just annoying me.

I left the bank feeling embarrassed and angry, even though I didn't do anything. I was just waiting for the newbie teller to do her stuff. And I just couldn't shake the bad mood I was now in. It's amazing how other peoples actions can affect me so dramatically. There's a lesson here somewhere, I think.

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